Update 1.01

New Update!

Ver. 1.01

Hello everyone!

It’s been a few weeks since the first time we post the game. Now, we are happy to announce that an update has finally arrived!

Please mind that this update is not a major update and there are still a couple more things to be done before we release a major update which is ver. 1.1! Without further ado, here are some notes for the update.

  • New Level Design
  • Enemies

We have made a new, more robust design for our level. We have made the level much bigger, full of environments and more platforms! This allows player to explore and run around the level more.


Yes folks, enemies. We have added enemies that patrols the area within the level. They are placed in some points of the platform so that players will be given the chance to encounter one. A lot of work is still needed for the enemy AI, but as far as the progress goes, we are happy that enemies can finally appear in this update.

And so, that is a wrap for this update. We’ll see you next time with our next update of the game. Thank you!

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